Peter Hess® Sound Massage Level II
In this course will built up on the knowledge you have acquired in Level I.
We will widen the application of Sound Massage from the body to the non-material environment, the bioenergetic field (Aura).
We will deepen our understanding and experience about healing with sound & vibration by introducing Fen Gongs into the Basic Sound Massage.
This course is the next step into becoming a certified practitioner.
So far, you’ve worked exclusively with Singing Bowls. Now you familiarise yourself with the use and effect of Zen Bowls and Fen Gongs. Perceive yourself as an energetic system, and become consciously aware of how environmental influences from the outside can strongly affect your life. By experiencing this very special form of Sound Massage, learn to strengthen your presence and expand your scope of action in contact with other people and their environment.
The aim of this seminar is
To expand the possibilities of Basic Sound Massage;
To learn new sound elements to design of a more individual Sound Massage experience;
To train your sensitivity to energetic connection and reconnect to your primal or basic trust.
​What to expect:
The curriculum incorporates the use of Singing Bowls and Gongs in the bio-energetic field and strengthening health in the holistic sense (as outside, so inside and vice versa).
Lectures, demonstrations, Sound Meditations, experiential exercises, practicing (giving & receiving) and verbal sharing.
We will work on massage tables and on the floor with mats and cushions.
We only use therapeutic Peter Hess® Therapy Singing Bowls which are available for students at the courses.
$600 - $750 per person including certification and course manual
Prerequisite: Level I
Hours of Study: 16
Seminar time: 9:30am to 5:30pm on two consecutive days
Minimum number of participants: 6-12
Workshop Facilitators: Ute Coleman
Ideas about body energy and its importance for the sound work
Perception of your energetic body environment
Perception of body energy with Singing Bowls and Gongs
Application of new elements into the Basic Sound Massage
Advanced Sound Massage with higher sounds and Fen-Gongs
Guided and independent practice of the new elements
Sound Meditations for relaxation and integration
Exchange of experiences and reflection