Peter Hess® Final Supervision Course
This course is the last step in becoming a certified Peter Hess® Sound Massage Practitioner
The training consists of two full days, reviewing the Peter Hess® Sound Massage and all the elements you have learned in Level I-IV to design a customised Sound Massage treatment. Together we will strengthen the subtleties of the "less is more" technique that is Peter Hess.
​In this seminar we will also discuss your collected practical experiences in the group to deepen our understanding about the possibilities of Sound Massage application, build your confidence and answer any questions you may have.
This Final Supervision course is open to all those that have taken Peter Hess Sound Massage I to IV.
After completing this training you will receive full certification as Peter Hess® Sound Massage Practitioner.
What to expect:
Lectures, demonstrations, Sound Meditations, experiential exercises, practicing (giving & receiving) and verbal sharing.
We will use massage tables and floor mats with cushions in our practice sessions.
We only use therapeutic Peter Hess® Therapy Singing Bowls which are available for students during the courses.​
After this course the participants will be able to distinguish themselves with the credentials of
Certified Peter Hess ® Sound Massage Practitioner
Cost: $550.00 including certification.
Prerequisite: Level I to Level IV - Please do not forget to submit 3 Educational Sound Massages prior to you training!
Hours of Study: 20
Seminar time: 9:30am to 8:30pm on two consecutive days
Minimum Number of participants: 6-12
Teacher: Ute Coleman
Supervised exchange of Sound Massage in a client, practitioner and observer setting
Exchange of collected practical experiences, reflection and discussion
Client - practitioner relationship and the professional approach
Case based assessment
How to start/run a Sound Massage Practice
Q & A sessions